Latkes and Sufganiyot
Wednesday, December 18th | 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please reach out to
Pajama Havdalah
Saturday, December 7th | 6:15 p.m. If you have any questions, please reach out to
Shabbat Shi'ur: Dec. 7
Saturday, December 7th | 12:45 p.m. If you have any questions, please reach out to
AntiRacism Book Club
Thursday, December 5th | 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please reach out to
Cultivating Resilience through Jewish Mindfulness
Join us for an introductory session of Jewish Mindfulness Practice Saturday, May 4th, 3-6 pm |Congregation Beth Shalom, 5915 Beacon St, Pittsburgh, PA Mindfulness practice helps us to cultivate habits of heart and mind that have been shown to foster emotional and mental balance, resilience, and empathy. During these painful, turbulent times, all of us can benefit from […]
Lox and Learning - "A Memoir of Service"
Sunday, May 5, 2019 | 10:00 a.m. Join Dorit Sasson as she discusses her book Accidental Soldier. At age nineteen, Dorit, a dual American-Israeli citizen, was trying to make the status quo work as a college student—until she realized that if she didn’t distance herself from her neurotic, worrywart of a mother, she would become just […]
Hidden Blessings | Moed Katan 9b
This is a part of 2019's Passover Talmud Study Series. The Gemara tells us a curious story about blessings and curses, or perhaps how we should understand the words of others. Rabbi Shim’on bar Yohai sends his son to Rabbi Yonatan ben Asmai and Rabbi Yehudah for a blessing. They say the following: May it […]
Learning from the Ants | Moed Katan 6b
This is a part of 2019's Passover Talmud Study Series. The gemara tells us that it is permissible to trap moles and to destroy ant holes on Hol Hamoed, the intermediate days of a Festival (i.e. either Sukkot or Pesah), to prevent these pests from causing damage to valuable crops. And then, the gemara takes […]
Two Fields, Two Kinds of Needs | Moed Katan 2a
This is a part of 2019's Passover Talmud Study Series. To start our Talmud learning, we are told about two different types of fields and the permissibility of watering them during the intermediate days of a holiday. For some context, intermediate days are the middle days of a long holiday like Passover or Sukkot, we call them […]