Mattot-Maasei 5780 - Youth Tefillah Blog
This week’s Torah portion is Mattot-Maasei. In this week’s double portion, we learn a very powerful story about five sisters.
Pinhas 5780 - Youth Tefillah Blog
This week’s Torah portion is Pinhas. In this week’s portion, we learn about working together. There are some things we cannot do all by ourselves. We all need help sometimes.
Nasso 5780 - Youth Tefillah Blog
This week’s Torah portion is Nasso. In this week’s portion, we learn about a very important blessing. This blessing is called, “the priestly blessing.”
Shavuot 5780 - Youth Tefillah Blog
On Shavuot, we remember how lucky we are, how fun it is to learn, and being together. It is one of the pilgrimage festivals and one of the best of the year!
Bamidbar 5780 - Youth Tefillah Blog
This week’s Torah portion is Bamidbar, the first week of a new book of the Torah! Each book is a chance to start over and learn even more!
Behar-Behukotai 5780 - Youth Tefillah Blog
This week’s Torah portion is Behar-Behukotai. In it, we learn about something really important, the difference between doing a good thing and a bad thing.
Emor 5780 - Youth Tefillah Blog
This week’s Torah portion is Emor. In this portion, we learn all about the holidays! Each of us has times that special to us.
Aharei Mot-Kedoshim 5780 - Youth Tefillah Blog
This week’s Torah portion is Aharei Mot. In our portion, we learn about a special place called the Mishkan. (Can you say Mishkan?) This place was kind of like a synagogue, but it was a big tent that could move from place to place. In the Mishkan there was a big box called the Aron (can you say Aron?) which is also called an Ark. In this box was something really special.
Tazria-Metzora 5780 - Youth Tefillah Blog
This week’s Torah portion is a double portion! It is a combination of both portions Tazria and Metzora. In them, we learn about what happens when people are sick.