Shabbat Shiur - Hilkhot Hanukkah (12/1/18)
Shabbat Shiur - Hilhot Hanukkah | December 1st, 2018 at 12:45 pm at Congregation Beth Shalom. Our discussion will start with learning the laws from the Shukhan Arukh. This code of Jewish law from the 16th century is the starting place for most modern halakhic discussions. We will look through the laws and explore how we might […]
Who is Naim Obeid, Whom We Welcomed Last Week? Originally published November 23-24, 2018
Last week we welcomed a visit from Naim Obeid, Executive Director of the Akko Center for Arts and Technology in Israel (A-CAT), who visited on Shabbat. The Akko Center has Pittsburgh roots! Mark Frank, Pittsburgher, founded the Akko Center based on the model of Pittsburgher William E. Strickland, Jr., in the Manchester Bildwell Corporation. Flourishing […]
Shabbat Morning Discussion Service (12/22/18)
Shabbat Morning Discussion Service | December 22nd, 2018 at 10:30 am in the Weinberg Pavillion at Congregation Beth Shalom. Rabbi Seth Adelson leads a discussion-oriented service for all ranges of davener, from the uninitiated to the veterans. We seek meaning behind the words and personal connections within tefillah. All are welcome!
Why are There Four Aliyot on Rosh Hodesh? Originally Published on November 16-17, 2018.
Even on days when we do not usually read Torah at morning services, if it is Rosh Hodesh, the beginning of the new month (on the Jewish calendar), we read Bamidbar (Numbers) 28:1-15. Let’s start from the beginning. We read Torah in the morning on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, all from the same parashah (portion) […]
Mondays: Morning Talmud Study
Come join us for a fresh start in a brand new tractate of the Talmud Bava Kamma. We welcome both Beth Shalom community and members the broader Pittsburgh Jewish community to learn together. The class is one hour long in duration, and recordings of the class are posted online. No experience necessary. All abilities welcome. […]
Coffee with the Cantor (Wednesdays)
Coffee with the Cantor | Every Wednesday morning at 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, with past Executive Director, Hazzan Rob Menes at Congregation Beth Shalom. Everyone welcome! This Year’s Topic: Jewish Influence in the Secular World Last year we focused our discussion on Jewish rituals and how they are viewed by the Jewish and non-Jewish […]
Coffee with the Cantor
Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. | Lehman Center Last for the season, December 19th! Returns on January 23, 2019! Come and participate in “Coffee with the Cantor” – a stimulating discussion group led by our Executive Director, Hazzan (Cantor) Rob Menes. This Year’s Topic: Jewish Influence in the Secular World Last year we focused our discussion on Jewish […]
What Happened to Minhah? Originally published November 9-10, 2018.
One night last week you attended services at 7:00 at Beth Shalom, and there was no detectable Minhah service? So is it still an official yahrzeit observance for your departed loved one? During the darker months, when the sun sets earlier, since we begin all our weekday evening services at 7:00, it is too late […]
What Are the Apocrypha? Originally published October 26-27, 2018.
We seem to mention the Apocrypha fairly often. The answer to what they are is not simple. From the Greek (meaning “obscure”) through Medieval Latin (where it meant “secret, or non-canonical”), the word refers to a set or sets of texts the origin of which is doubtful or unknown. (“Canonical” refers to being ordained by […]