July 15, 2021Last updated : March 19, 2023Mark Goodman
Saturday, July 17, Evening, at Beth Shalom and by Zoom
This year Tish’ah BeAv, commemorating the destruction of both Temples, begins immediately after Shabbat, the evening of July 17th. The evening community observance is being hosted by New Light Congregation this year.
You are encouraged to bring your own flashlight for Eykhah.
July 17th, 8:30 p.m.Minhah, 9:10 p.m. Ma’ariv, followed immediately by the
Tish’ah BeAv service hosted by New Light, including the Book of Lamentations (Eykhah).
July 18th, 8:00 a.m. services are at Beth Shalom; we donot use tallitot or tefillin.
July 18th, 7:00 p.m. for the evening services; we do use tallitot and tefillin.
To participate in Tisha B'Av over Zoom, click here.