Tish'ah Be'Av 5780
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Presented by Dor Hadash
- 8:15 p.m.: Opening Program
- 9:00 p.m.: Ma’ariv
- 9:15 p.m.: Community Eykhah Reading
Join via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97713104277
After services participate in this program!
Reviewing Customs for Tish’ah Be’Av
- Tish’ah Be’Av is a full-day fast, from 8:15 p.m. Wednesday July 29 to 9:15 p.m. Thursday July 30.
- We must be done eating dinner before sunset.
- Then we kick off our leather and don cloth footwear. We effectively do nothing but mourn for the full day.
- We do not eat or drink. We do not wear leather. We do not bathe (except hand washing or basic toilet). We don’t wear makeup, lotion, etc.
- We don’t study, not even Jewish religious texts except those that are read on Tish’ah Be’Av.
- We do not greet one another, and especially not with the word “Shalom.”
- The Wednesday evening chanting of Eykhah – Lamentations – is done sitting on the floor or on low benches or seats, in subdued lighting.
In shul in the morning (virtual though it will be), we don’t wear tallit or tefillin for the morning service, but we do so for the Minhah service at the end of Tish’ah Be’Av. - A special portion of the Torah will be read, and were we in the shul a tallit would be placed under the Torah on top of the bare shulhan. The services will be chanted in a subdued, mournful mode.