Shabbat with Beth Shalom

Beth Shalom offers a variety of prayer experiences on Friday and Saturday.
On most Friday nights, we have Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6:00 pm. Once a month, the regular Friday night service is replaced with a musical service called Hod veHadar. For more information, click here.
Once a month, we offer a special Friday night service, Shababababa, for families with young children ages 0 to 7. In good weather months, Shababababa takes place in our outdoor tent. Otherwise, it takes place in the Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom. Dinner is served - check the website to reserve a spot.
Saturday mornings we offer Shaharit, Torah Service, and Musaf. Those services typically take place in the Faye Rubenstein Main Sanctuary. On a regular Shabbat, services begin at 9:30 am. On Rosh Hodesh or when we add Hallel to the services, we begin at 9:15 am.
For those that like to attend an early Shabbat service, we offer a 6:30 am minyan.
We also offer a Minhah / Ma'ariv service with teaching and light refreshments to conclude Shabbat. For more information, click here.