Minhah, Ma'ariv, and Havdalah

Each Shabbat afternoon and evening, Beth Shalom has an intimate prayer service, which meets in our Homestead Chapel. Minhah, the afternoon service, consists of a short Torah reading, followed by prayers. We continue with a brief teaching on Jewish law, biblical commentary, or spiritual insight lead by one of our rabbis or lay leaders. Light snacks are sometimes served with the afternoon class.
Afterwards, we conclude the Sabbath with the evening service and the Havdalah ceremony - prayers over wine, a candle, and spices to separate the day of rest from the rest of the week.
Minhah begins one hour before the conclusion of Shabbat (roughly around sunset time). Check your local Shabbat time calendar or the Beth Shalom weekly bulletin for exact details.
Shabbat Minhah / Maariv takes place in the Homestead Chapel. To join via zoom, click here.