High Holiday Pass Order Form

In order to request a High Holiday Pass for in-person participation, everyone in your immediate family and family guests must be vaccinated, except for children ages 0 to 4. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Gleiberman at rgleiberman@bethshalompgh.org or 412-421-2288 x226.

By submitting the form below, I attest that each individual in my immediate family or family guest, for whom I am ordering a pass, has been vaccinated or are ages 0 to 4.  I also agree to enforce all safety protocols for myself and, if applicable, for everyone for whom I am ordering passes.  Additionally, I agree to instruct my children, ages 6 and up, to either be engaged in youth programming or be in the main adult service.  I understand that NO CHILDREN are to be wandering the building without parental supervision.


  • Members in good standing - No charge
  • Guests of members in good standing - $100 per adult
  • Non-members - $250 per adult
  • Children under 18 years of age - No charge
High Holiday Ticket Order Form 2022/5783

Enter the first and last name, including yours, of each person for whom you are requesting a pass. Member's Guest passes are $100 each. Non-member passes are $250 each.


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