Derekh Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Join us under Beth Shalom's new tent for an evening of learning with our community's torah scholars. Come for a single lecture, join for sunrise minyan, or stay up all night and do it all!
May 16th from 9PM to 11PM - Lectures and discussions led by Rabbi Seth Adelson and Rabbi Danielle Leshaw.
May 16th at 11PM to May 17th at 5:30AM - Small group discussion and spiritual nigunim led by Rabbi Andy Shugerman, Jonathan Weinkle, Ilanit Helfand, Chris Hall, and other members of the community.
May 17th at 5:30AM - We welcome the start of the first day of Shavout with a sunrise minyan.
All events will be in person with physical distancing rules, mask requirement, and temperature taking in effect. Registration is required for all events and attendance is limited. Registering does NOT commit you to attending the full event, it reserves a seat for you. Please register now!