High Holiday Adult and Youth Services 5782
Complete list of High Holiday Service times are below. List includes High Holiday Youth Tefillah service times.
All synagogue members and their guests that have RSVP'd in advance will receive tickets. If you would like to attend services but have not yet RSVP'd, please email Robert Gleiberman at rgleiberman@bethshalompgh.org.
Adults and children ages 12 and over must be fully vaccinated and masked. Only fully vaccinated individuals are allowed in the Faye Rubenstein Weiss Sanctuary during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Children below the age of 12 must be masked and are only allowed in youth services that take place outside. Children ages 0 to 2 do not have to wear a mask but must be registered and only allowed in babysitting.
(*”Fully vaccinated” indicates that you must be two weeks past your final shot and have presented your vaccination card(s) to our receptionist, Tika, at receptionist@bethshalompgh.org)

Meeting ID: 943 2466 5900
Passcode: minyan
High Holiday Youth Tefillah and Babysitting
Babysitting (ages 6 month to 4 years), Manny's Service (ages 4 to 6 years), and Jr Cong (ages 7 to 12 years)
Babysitting is indoors in the ELC; Manny's Service and Jr Cong are outdoors in the tent and/or playground.
Parents are welcome to stay with their kids for any part of the programming and prayer service. Please notify the front desk if you are picking up your child from the program.
If you have not already pre-registered your child(ren) for services, please contact Rabbi Mark Goodman at mgoodman@bethshalompgh.org.