Climbing the Tree of Life: A Tu Bishvat Seder

Thursday, January 28, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.

Join us as we explore the mystical Four Worlds, eat some fruits and nuts, and drink four cups of wine for a virtual Tu Bishvat seder experience led by Rabbi Seth Adelson.

We will ascend the rungs from the corporeal to the spiritual as we celebrate Creation, symbolized by the birthday of the trees, and seek personal and communal meaning in discussion of our own roles in these worlds.

Recommended supplies:

  • Red wine or grape juice
  • White wine or grape juice
  • Wine cup
  • Three types of fruits/nuts that grow on a tree or bush:
  • One with an inedible shell or peel: walnuts, almonds, coconut, citrus, etc.
  • One with an inedible pit: stone fruit, olives, carob, apples, etc.
  • One that is completely edible: figs, grapes, blueberries, etc.

Check out the event on Facebook:

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