5/12/20: Derekh Lunch and Learn
beginning at Noon
Although temporarily interrupted by COVID-19, Derekh’s current Lunch and Learn series is continuing! We have been examining halakhic approaches to egalitarianism, which has become an essential feature of the Conservative movement. Way back in March at Beth Shalom, we took a look at the 2014 teshuvah by Rabbi Pamela Barmash, and since we did not get a chance to do this session for the downtown crowd, we are reprising it on Tuesday, May 12 at noon. Unlike Rabbi Joel Roth’s landmark teshuvah from 1984, Rabbi Barmash approaches halakhic egalitarianism from the perspective of the dramatic change in women’s status and involvement in Jewish life since the rabbinic period. Join us for an exhilarating, and perhaps even empowering discussion!
Egalitarianism has become a core value of the Conservative Movement, but where did it come from? This week, we will be exploring Rabbi Pamela Barmash’s Teshuvah from 2014, entitled, Women and Mitzvot.
Link to teshuvah here: https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sites/default/files/public/halakhah/teshuvot/2011-2020/womenandhiyyuvfinal.pdf
Rabbi Joel Roth’s 1984 teshuvah is here.
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