04/17/2020: Shabbat Bulletin Online
April 17, 2020
The information below comes from our Shabbat Bulletin. Currently we have transitioned our voice to the web, making all materials easily available for our members. The information below would have been published in our Shabbat Bulletin. For the time being, since we are not creating the Bulletin in paper form, we have transitioned this […]
Tefillin or Not Tefillin? Originally Published April 17-18, 2020.
April 17, 2020
Hol HaMo’ed (חול המועד), literally “weekday of the festival,” refers to the days in the middle of a festival. Pesah and Sukkot (but not Shavu’ot) have festival days at the beginning and ending of their roughly week-long celebrations, and we are referring to the days that are not considered to be full festival days: days […]