07/31/20: Shabbat Shalom
The information below comes from our Shabbat Bulletin. Currently we have transitioned our voice to the web, making all materials easily available for our members. The information below would have been published in our Shabbat Bulletin. For the time being, since we are not creating the Bulletin in paper form, we have transitioned this information to our website, for ease of access while keeping our distance from one another. We look forward to publishing again in the future.
Service Times
- Youth Tefillah at 5:15 p.m.
- Evening Shabbat services at 6:00 p.m.
- Morning ( 8:00 a.m. on Sunday / 7:30 a.m. Monday – Friday)
- Evening (7:00 p.m. Sunday – Thursday / 6:00 p.m. on Friday)
- Shabbat Services:
- Candle Lighting: July 31 at 8:16 p.m. | Aug. 7 at 8:08 p.m.
- Morning Services: Aug. 1 at 9:30 a.m. | Aug. 8 at 9:30 a.m.
- Minhah: Aug. 1 at 8:25 p.m. | Aug. 8 at 8:15 p.m.
- Ma’ariv: Aug. 1 at 8:45 p.m. | Aug. 8 at 8:35 p.m.
- Havdalah: Aug. 1 at 9:15 p.m. | Aug. 8 at 9:07 p.m.
- Candle Lighting: July 31 at 8:16 p.m. | Aug. 7 at 8:08 p.m.
Zoom services do not require a sign-up.
Condolences to
Bob (Lesley) Ginsburg on the passing of his sister Shirley Ann Stein on July 25th.

I've Always Wondered
The Rabbi’s Assistant answers questions that someone might be too shy to ask. Click here to read her blog!
Volunteer Awards - Nominations
Now accepting nominations for volunteer awards.
- Lester A. Hamburg Member of the Year Award honors a member who embodies volunteerism, leadership, and a long history of participation within the congregation.
- Ethel and Bernard M. Halpern Young Leadership Award recognizes a young leader in our congregational family who has set an example of volunteerism and decision-making.
- Nathan E. Snader Distinguished Service Award rewards a member who has demonstrated exemplary service and dedication to Beth Shalom and the larger Jewish community.
- Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle Volunteers of the Year Award celebrates a member whose devotion and involvement has positively impacted Beth Shalom and Pgh.’s Jewish community.
Please submit nominations to our Receptionist Tika, at x114 or receptionist@bethshalompgh.org.
Do You Know Your Hebrew Name? Please Write It Down!
The following Yahrzeits will be observed this Shabbat and in the coming week. This list comprises those dear departed for whom there are dedicated plaques in our praying spaces, and those for whom contributions have been made to have their names listed here.
FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 1 - 7, 2020 11 - 17 AV, 5780
Morris Aaronson
Katie Allon
Donna LaBorwit Askin
Julius Elias Aussenberg
Katie G. Banov
Dr. Eunice R. Baradon
Helen B. Barr
Chaia Bergman
Carmela Bernstein
Dr. David H. Buchman
Perrine Caplan
Robert Chamovitz
Joseph W. Cohn
Martin Colker
Irving N. Elbling
Sarah Elfman
Ruben Felman
Isaac Fineberg
Mildred Finkel
Fannie Friedland
Jacob Friedman
Bernice Ruth Geffner
Clara Gettleman
Sophie F. Ginsburg
Meyer Gisser
Helen Goldberg
Ethel Goldstein
Maurice Golomb
Harry A. Goodman
Esther Brinn Gordon
Max M. Greenberg
Meyer T. Grinberg
Belle Gusky
Ronald Halpern
Max Harris
Howard I. Hausman
Morris Hirschfield
Allen Hoffman
Fred Horvitz
Dr. Jerrold D. Hydovitz
Phillip Hydovitz
Milton Judd
Harry Julius
Hyman Kalson
Goldie Kaufman
Irwin E. Kitman
Samuel L. Kleber
Morris Kwall
Herman Labowitz
Rae Labovitz
Benjamin D. Lazar
Benjamin Lazier
Esther Levin
Dorothy G. Levine
Oser Magram
Max M. Mervis
Stella Wiess Miller
Clara Moritz
Bernard (Chester) Neft
Benjamin Plotkin
Golda Polischuk
Norma Radin
Morris Rider
Henry Robinson
Irma S. Rogoff
Sophie Rosenstein
Daniel Saron
Simpson Schechter
Evelyn Schermer
Lillian Schwartz
Samuel W. Schwartz
Bella Seegman
Ruth Sevel
David Siegel
Morton B. Silverman
Ethel Solof
Phillip Speck
Jennie Stein
Celia Stept
Ethel K. Stept
Hyman Sugerman
Frances S. Tucker
Albert Uretsky
Stuart D. Weinbaum
Irene Weiss
Saul H. Weissman
Lillian Wells
Henry Dean Wyner
Louis T. Young
Rimma Zamakhovsky
Bessie Zionts