05/28/2020: Shabbat Shalom and Hag Sameah
The information below comes from our Shabbat Bulletin. Currently we have transitioned our voice to the web, making all materials easily available for our members. The information below would have been published in our Shabbat Bulletin. For the time being, since we are not creating the Bulletin in paper form, we have transitioned this information to our website, for ease of access while keeping our distance from one another. We look forward to publishing again in the future.
Service Times
- Be sure to see our programming for Shavu'ot here.
- Youth Tefillah at 5:15 p.m. - SPECIAL DATE THIS WEEK: 05/28/2020
- Hod veHadar services at 6:00 p.m.
- Morning ( 8:00 a.m. on Sunday / 7:30 a.m. Monday – Friday)
- Evening (7:00 p.m. Sunday – Thursday / 6:00 p.m. on Friday)
- Shabbat Services:
- Candle Lighting: May 29 at 8:24 p.m. | June 5 at 8:29 p.m.
- Morning Services: May 30 at 9:00 a.m., Yizkor after 10:30 a.m. | June 6 at 9:30 a.m.
- Minhah: May 30 at 8:35 p.m. | June 6 at 8:40 p.m.
- Ma’ariv: May 30 at 8:55 p.m. | June 6 at 9:00 p.m.
- Havdalah: May 30 at 9:25 p.m. | June 6 at 9:29 p.m.
- Candle Lighting: May 29 at 8:24 p.m. | June 5 at 8:29 p.m.
Condolences to:
Susan (Mikael) Kimelman and family, on the passing of Susan’s mother Doris Shaiman on May 21.

I've Always Wondered
The Rabbi’s Assistant answers questions that someone might be too shy to ask. Click here to read her blog!
Do You Know Your Hebrew Name? Please Write It Down!
The following Yahrzeits will be observed this Shabbat and in the coming week. This list comprises those dear departed for whom there are dedicated plaques in our praying spaces, and those for whom contributions have been made to have their names listed here.
FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2020 7 - 14 SIVAN, 5780
Jean Belansky
Bassa G. Bennett
Yuriy Beniaminov
Joseph Berger
Jane Berlin
Dr. Juda Bickel
Nell Bricker
Fannie A. Cohen
Jennie S. Cohen
Lena F. Cohen
Louis Coltin
Jacob L. Doniger
Adrianne Eisner
Abraham E. Fairman
Irwin Fineberg
Eva S. Fink
Rose Fisher
Harry Friedman
Elaine Genberg
Louis Goldberg
Anna R. Goldman
Benjamin B. Goldman
Herbert Goldstein
Israel Gould
Oscar Green
Jacob Greenberger
Phyllis E. Gutmacher
Rita Haber
Michael Halpern
Albert Hansell
Anna B. Hausman
Lena Israel
Sarah H. Jacobson
Rafael Kadoch
Ann Kalla
Annie Kovinow
Eric Kweller
Irving M. Leon
Harry H. Levine
Max Levinson
Naomi Levinson
Ralph Levison
Josephine Levy
Olaf L. Loikrec
Minnie Lyon
Faye C. Makrauer
Phillip P. Marcuson
Harry Marder
Helen Marstine
Sarah Milgrom
Hannah Miller
Morris Minkin
Robert Moldovan
Edith Nathenson
Samuel D. Nevins
Solomon Chaim Newman
Bernard Portnoy
Rose Rattner
Cecelia Robinson
Esther R. Rosen
Sam Rosner
Jose Rosenfeld
C. Lawrence Ruttenberg
Louis Ruttenberg
Dora Schultz
Adolph Schwartz
Moshe J. Shapiro
David Sheffler
Joel David Shire
Yakov Shomstein
Jacob Ezra Shrut
Blanche Sigel
Harris Silverberg
Jennie R. Silverman
Alex Silverman
Eleanore C. Sniderman
Morris Somach
Shirley Bassin Spatt
Nathan M. Stark
Dena Stein
Simon Steiner
Eileen Stewart
Iris Teplitz
Ulla Brita Uhlin
Marvin Valinsky
George Weintraub
Lillian Weisberg
Pauline Wollman
Beverly Yanoff
Bessie Yecies
Gitel Younger
Alexander Yurkovetsky
Fay Ziff