04/24/2020: Shabbat Bulletin Online
The information below comes from our Shabbat Bulletin. Currently we have transitioned our voice to the web, making all materials easily available for our members. The information below would have been published in our Shabbat Bulletin. For the time being, since we are not creating the Bulletin in paper form, we have transitioned this information to our website, for ease of access while keeping our distance from one another. We look forward to publishing again in the future.
Service Times
- Friday Hod veHadar Shabbat at 6:00 p.m
- Morning (7:30 a.m. Monday – Friday / 8:00 a.m. on Sunday)
- Evening (7:00 p.m. Sunday – Thursdays / 6:00 p.m. on Friday)
- Shabbat Services:
- Candle Lighting: April 24 at 7:51 p.m. | May 1 at 7:58 p.m.
- Morning Services: April 25 at 9:15 a.m. | May 2 at 9:30 a.m.
- Minhah: April 25 at 8:00 p.m. | May 2 at 8:10 p.m.
- Ma’ariv: April 25 at 8:20 p.m. | May 2 at 8:30 p.m.
- Havdalah: April 25 at 8:52 p.m. | May 2 at 8:59 p.m.
- Candle Lighting: April 24 at 7:51 p.m. | May 1 at 7:58 p.m.

I've Always Wondered
The Rabbi’s Assistant answers questions that someone might be too shy to ask. Click here to read her blog!
The following Yahrzeits will be observed this Shabbat and in the coming week. This list comprises those dear departed for whom there are dedicated plaques in our praying spaces, and those for whom contributions have been made to have their names listed here.
FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 25 - MAY 1, 2020 1 - 7 IYYAR, 5780
Yizchak Arl
Yizchak Arl
Max Azen
Zorah Barach
Esther Bernstein
Gilbert Bernstein
Sarah Bloom
Goldie S. Bonn
Maurice Braunstein
Alvin Burnett
Cyril Caplan
Joseph Caplan
Herbert Chernoff
Paula Chervets
Etta Closky
Harry N. Cohen
Pauline Colker
Anna Danovitz
Edward Dashefsky
Al Farkas
Kate Farkas
Matilda Favish
Irving Fink
Helen A. Fisher
Eva Frankston
Joseph Geffner
Ida Glanz
R. Lillian Glickman
Rosaline Glickstein
Anna Goldblum
Elias Goldman
Hyman A. Goldsmith
Nathan Goldstein
Samuel M. Goldstein
Irving Gordon
Rose Gordon
Paul Green
Ida Greenberg
C. Groff
Bennie Halpern
Sidney Harris
Asher Zelig Hausrath
Jerome Herer
John J. Horgan
Goldie Kaplan
Anna E. Katz
Jeannette Kaufman
Helen M. Keisler
Morris Keizler
Barbara Klein
Oscar Kopelman
Fannie R. Kraus
David Krell
Sherwood W. Landis
Paul Leipzig
Joseph Letwin
Jerome Levenson
Elias E. Levenson
Hilda Levinson
Leon Levinson
Rachel C. Levinson
Maurice H. Levison
Sadie Levite
Simon Lippard
Marie Wald Loikrec
Ethel London
Jack Malkin
Saul Mandel
Samuel D. Markus
Harry Z. Marlin
Herman Marmins
Boris Meskin
Dorothy Miller
Rachel Morris
Abraham S. Moses
Margaret Osofsky
Klara Oyvin
Anna Palgon
Susan Perry
Max Plesset
Boris Rivkin
Joseph Rogow
Morris Rosen
Sally Ross
Abraham Rubin
Dolores K. Rubin
Eva Safyan
Israel Samuel
Abraham Saul
Rose Seiavitch
Mark Sheynberg
Ronya O. Shlyak
Ida A. Shore
Jacob Shulman
Rebecca G. Silverman
Sarah Silverman
Arthur Small
Frances Small
Rebecca Sniderman
Leona R. Solomon
Nathan Spector
Minnie Spokane
Josef Stadtlander
Ben Stein
Louis Steinman
Ben Szlepak
Sarah Tapolsky
Jacqueline Oseroff Terner
Belle Cohen Tongue
Edith R. Tracht
Alvin C. Unger
Jeffrey Vines
Max Waterman
William H. Whitman
Katie Wise
Sidney Yecies
Barbara Yoffee
Jacob Zweig