Enriching lives through community, lifelong Jewish learning and spiritual growth!

The Beth Shalom Adult Education Committee believes that Pittsburgh is a diverse community with many interests and viewpoints and our congregation should be a place where open and engaging conversations can take place about a wide range of subjects.

Follow this link for this year's course offerings: Adult Education Programs 5778

For more information or to volunteer on the committee, please contact Adult Education chair Chris Hall.

We are pleased to present these three focus areas: Learning, Ethics and Community.


Inspiring, Empowering and Supporting

Presenting inspiring programs, we empower members to take charge of their own learning, and we support community members’ learning initiatives.


Exploring, Connecting and Engaging

Exploring Judaism’s ethical voice about pressing contemporary issues, connecting our tradition to the greater community, and engaging together in action and advocacy.

Advocacy and Action Committee

Via the Ethics: Exploring, Connecting and Engaging focus area, we will connect our tradition to the greater community and engage in action and advocacy. Please contact Nancy Bernstein if you would like to be part of this effort at Beth Shalom. We will review and determine together what some possible options for our efforts might be and then hold a session to plan outreach opportunities.


Belonging, Believing and Becoming

We will strengthen our sense of belonging and enhance our Jewish belief through programs that focus on becoming a stronger community.

If you are interested in a membership, you can download our Membership Contact Form and send it in. Someone from our New Members Committee will contact you.