Each year, during the holidays of Pesah, Shavu’ot, Yom Kippur, and Shemini Atzeret, a special Memorial Service is held. It is a time when we honor the memory of our beloved departed family members. Yizkor Services are held on these four holidays and, in the tradition of the mitzvah of giving, an appeal is made for funds during the Yizkor Service.
Our Passover Yizkor Service will take place on Thursday morning, April 16 at approximately 10:30 a.m. It is appropriate to make a contribution in order to link the memory of dear ones to an act of loving kindness. If you wish, please fill out the form below with the name of the loved ones you wish to honor so that their names can be printed in Mishpachtenu.
If you would like additional information regarding the Yizkor Appeal, please call the office at 412-421-2288. With grateful thanks for your continued support of our synagogue, and with all good wishes for the coming Festival.