
Derekh will be a center for pluralistic, engaging learning, and transformational Jewish experiences.


Through targeted programming, Derekh encourages participation in new ways, growing and expanding Jewish experiences within the five portals.

What this means for you:

Throughout this year we will be experimenting with new programs and activities, striving to meet your unique needs. We encourage you to reach out and tell us what you need, try something new, challenge yourself, and be a partner for this new project of Beth Shalom.

To see the breakdown of each portal, check out the Derekh info sheet here.

Limmud Programming

  • Pesah University | Thursday, March 15th at 7:30PM

Getting prepared for Passover is hard, but don't worry, we've got you covered. Join us for Pesah University!

Each session will be taught twice, first at 7:30PM and again at 8:15PM!

The three sessions will be:

Meaning at the Seder:
Has your seder lost its luster? Finding it difficult to relate to 10 plagues, four cups of wine and Dayyenu? Learn with Rabbi Seth Adelson to help navigate the essential questions of this night: Why are we here? Why are we discussing the Exodus and not eating? And what could it possibly all mean to us today?

Songs of the Hagaddah:
Just as there is a journey through the texts of the hagaddah, so too is there a musical journey. Sing with Hazzan Rob Menes and explore the traditional tunes that fill the Seder and the Hagaddah. How can we increase the joy of our evening!

Kashering Your Pots:
There are many laws when it comes to Passover, from kashering one's pots, to how much matzah we're obligated to eat, to what is required at your seder. It can be easy to go overboard. Sit with Rabbi Jeremy Markiz as we review the technical aspects of Passover and what is vs what is not required.

  • Pre-Passover Talmud Learning |
    Mondays from 9AM - 10AM at 61c Cafe and
    Thursdays from 8:15AM - 9AM in the Eisner Commons

Join Rabbi Seth Adelson and Rabbi Jeremy Markiz as we learn our way through Masekhet (Tractate) Horayot from the Talmud.

Each week we'll learn a little bit more, preparing for a siyyim (completion celebration) on Erev Pesaḥ (the day of the first night of Passover) for the Fast of the Firstborn. This type of learning is called "beki'ut" which means that we will be skimming the material, understanding the basic ideas, and then moving on.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to Rabbi Jeremy (email).

Check out the Talmud's text here!

Regular Limmud Events


  • Shabbat Morning Warmup | Every Shabbat morning (without a Benei/Benot Mitzvah)
    at 9 - 9:30 AM in the Weinberg Pavillion

    • First Shabbat of the Month: Mussar Literature (Jewish self-improvement)
    • Second Shabbat of the Month: Niggun Circle (traditional wordless melodies)
    • Third Shabbat of the Month: Modern Jewish Text (exploring modern writing)
    • Fourth Shabbat of the Month: Introductory Meditation (sitting and discussion)
    • Fifth Shabbat of the Month: Surprise Bonus Warmup
  • Coffee with the Cantor | Every Wednesday at 11 AM - 12 PM in the Lehman Center

Lively discussions around current articles. This year, "Perceptions of Modern Judaism."


  • Derekh Open Beit Midrash | Second Wednesday of the month
    at 7:30PM in the Zweig Library


Go Deeper | Dive deeper into a text, our inner selves, and the Tradition itself.
Come and join the monthly session, study with a partner, or start your own study group. We welcome you to help create this communal space! Students of all skill levels are welcome and knowledge of Hebrew is NOT required!

Ongoing Limmud Programs

  • Introduction to Judaism: Part 2 | 2/11, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 4/15, 4/22
    at 2-4PM in the Zweig Library

We invite you to this new non-denominational class! This six week course will cover an overview of Passover, God, Talmud, High Holidays, Kashrut, and History.