We celebrate benei mitzvah for family and friends as well as our entire Beth Shalom community.

In the form below, please select which family members or friends you would like to honor on the day of your child's simha (celebration). This form must be completed one week in advance of the date of the celebration - or earlier, if possible. For questions, please contact Rabbi Goodman or Rabbi Adelson.

The form below is for the more common 'Shabbat Morning' benei mitzvah. For a Minha benei mitzvah, you should still fill out this form, although there are several honors that may not be available to your family.

If the Benei mitzvah's tutor is there, Beth Shalom will reserve the role of gabbai sheni for them - since they can serve as an aid and a calming presence for your child on their big day.
This and the following honors are standard honors given to Benei Mitzvah families on the day of their simcha (celebration). If you would not like to select one of these honors, leave the field blank. Can be offered to a non-Jew. 'Opening the ark' is an honor that can include up to four people.
Write names in Hebrew and English. This ideally is either one or two people, although a larger group of up to four is permitted.
Write names in Hebrew and English. This ideally is either one or two people, although a larger group of up to four is permitted.
Write names in Hebrew and English. Typically, this aliyah is given to the parent(s).
English name of person lifting of the Torah. It is advisable to give this to a person who has done this before, and/or someone who is physically capable of lifting something heavy. One person only.
English name of binding and covering the torah. No experience necessary. One or two people, maximum.
One person only. Can be a non-Jew.
This prayer can be said in English, if the designated honoree prefers. One person only.
Opening the ark for the return of the Torah after its being read is an honor that can include up to four people.
If you would like to give friends or family additional honors, these are additional options if the others above have been filled. None of these is 'necessary' to assign, though. The prayer for peace is ommitted if we do not use it for an honoree. Ashrei is often given to the sibling or cousin of the benei mitzvah. And it is also customary to invite the benei mitzvah's JJEP or CDS classmates up to lead Adon Olam - bringing family members, however, is also an option if desired. At minha, only 'remove torah', 'place torah', and 'prayer for peace' are available here.
If you ticked one of the boxes above, please write WHO, if anyone, will lead the aforementioned honors here.