Jason Friedman is our Events and Catering Director. Whether you need space for a wedding, benei mitzvah, bris, birthday party, or anything else that requires space and food Jason will be your point of contact. Jason is here to serve the Beth Shalom Community and will be representing both Congregation Beth Shalom and Elegant Edge Catering.

Jason has a strong Jewish background having gone to Hebrew Day School through ninth grade. He read Torah and Megillah for his synagogue in Bridgeport, Connecticut during his high school days. He attended Southern Connecticut State University, enjoys tracing genealogy, exercising, and calling his mother daily. Jason is coming full circle to Beth Shalom as his grandfather, Milton Friedman, was the bookkeeper here over 40 years ago.

Please reach out to Jason for any potential booking inquiries at 412.304.4291 or at jfriedman@eedgecatering.com.