Two Funny and Moving Short Plays - February 24

Congregation Beth Shalom presents in partnership with Classrooms Without Borders Two Israeli Monodramas: When the Omelet Touches the Salad and Jonathan, a one-man performance by Professor Roy Horovitz.

Roy performs readings of two humorous and moving stories of the heart. When the Omelet Touches the Salad centers on two anti-heroes, with each character presented in his own monologue. Jonathan is about an old woman taking in an abandoned baby, and demonstrates how people react during a crisis and the sometimes surprising decisions they make. Performance will be in English followed by a post-show discussion.

This is a FREE community-wide event but registration is required. To register, complete the online form below. Donations welcome. Pay what you will.


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Meet Professor Dr. Roy Horovitz

Professor Roy Horovitz is the Head of Drama & Theatre program, School of Humanities, Bar-Ilan University at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv. His courses deal with the current theatrical scene in Israel, the central preoccupation of Israeli playwrights with the Holocaust and current politics, the modern interpretation of the Bible on the Israeli stage, the love-hate relationship between Jewish tradition and the world of theatre, and dramatic analysis. In addition to teaching, he has acted throughout Israel and directed productions at the renowned Habimah National Theatre and the Beer Sheva Theatre. He has degrees in Theatre from Tel Aviv University and received his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Bar-Ilan University.