07/13/20: C&C Theatre Talk - 'RENT' by Jonathan Larson

Monday, July 13th, 7:30 p.m.

We invite you to join us in reading and discussing RENT by Jonathan Larson. This musical, based on the opera La Bohème, follows a group of friends living in the Alphabet City in New York's East Village. Even as the friends struggle with joblessness, addiction, and living with HIV, they return to each other for mutual support and inspiration for their art. RENT is also locally connected: aspects of Mark Cohen's character are loosely based on Eddie Rosenstein who grew up at Beth Shalom and who worked closely with Jonathan Larson. 
The discussion will be facilitated by two dramaturgs, Zach Marlin and Esther Terry. We will discuss the characters and themes of the play, as well as the play's relevance to our own current experience of a newly devastating pandemic. Even though gathering to see theatre is currently impossible, the canon of great American theatre still lives on the page for us to read, contemplate, and discuss with one another.

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